Shree Nagarvel Hanumandham

To inform all devotees that the renovation work of Shree Nagarvel Hanuman Temple is going to start soon and in the near future the renovation work of Shree Nagarvel Hanuman Temple as well as other temples and other arrangements related to the temple like guest house, satsang house, canteen will be done. , by incorporating arrangements like cowshed, school, clinic etc. to become Shree Nagarvel Hanumandham and every religion loving devotee of Gujarat can experience the blessings of his life in this Shree Nagarvel HanumanDham with the spirit of public welfare. , we sincerely request you to cooperate with mind and money.

Let us all move forward to build Nagarvel Hanumandham... Jai Shri Ram.

Shri Nagarvel Hanumanji Maharaj Temple

  This place is located in City Talukama Moje Bagefirdos in Ahmedabad district. That is, it is located on Amraiwadi-Rakhial road in the middle of Ahmedabad city. Historical Heritage This place is the abode of Hanumanji for more than 600 years. The historical details of which are as follows.

  The city of Ahmedabad was founded by Ahmed Shah. Before the establishment of the city of Ahmedabad, when Ahmed Shah went hunting, he came to this place and saw a rabbit in front of his hunting dogs. The emperor was very surprised to see an animal like a rabbit standing in front of the terrible hunting dogs and he found this land to be glorious and courageous, so he thought that if we establish a city at this place, then the people here will become courageous and like yeast and will be famous all over the country. With this idea, the emperor started building a city here. But the construction of the city suddenly started collapsing. So the emperor became very worried. At that time, the goddess Bhadrakali told Ahmed Shah in a dream that "If you want to settle this city, then worship me in the middle of the city and find the idol of Swayambhu Hanumanji in all directions of this city and worship and pray to him with Hindu religious and Vedic rituals and only then you will be able to rule this city." Taking the order received in the dream as a divine sign, Ahmed Shah followed it and worshipped the temple of Bhadrakali Mata in the centre of the city and Swayambhu Hanumanji in all the four directions of the city as per Hindu religious and Vedic customs and received blessings.

  • Sri Nagarvel Hanumanji Maharaj Temple is one of the four historical temples in the eastern direction. The place was on a small hill and as Nagarvel grew profusely on the hill as well as on the walls of the temple, the name of this temple gradually came to be known as "Shri Nagarvel Hanumanji Temple" which is still famous till today.
  • Since the establishment of this legendary temple, many ascetics, saints and mahants have made this place their abode and worshiped in the temple and also increased the importance of this place by doing public welfare works. Here are the burial places of many saints of this sect. It also houses rare Vibhutis who have taken a living Samadhi. There is a popular belief that the prayers offered with faith and devotion to the tombs in this place are sure to bear fruit.
  • The statue of Shri Hanumanji is very beautiful and miraculous. Lord Hanumanji is seated here in a form which is rarely seen in a worried form and gives happiness, peace and prosperity by taking away all the worries of the devotees. According to the Puranas and scriptures, Lord Hanumanji is immortal and is a real presence when darshan of the idol in this place. It is believed that In the temple, the desires of the devotees are fulfilled with faith and according to the scriptures, Shri Hanumanji Maharaj is the eleventh incarnation of Rudra. Hence doing eleven (11) circumambulations of Shri Hanumanji Maharaj in this temple gives great merit. Also, there is a strong belief that wishful thinking brings auspicious results.

  There is also a Shivalayam named Ramakrishna Paramahansa Mahadev in this place. Where Lord Bholanath is worshiped and Abhishek, Rudri Path etc. are performed. Also, Shri Shani Maharaj is also established in this place. So, to avoid Shani's wrath and to get his grace vision, the devotees gather on Saturdays - Amase and Shaneshwar Jyanti. Karmabhumi and tapobhumi of monks and mahants, this place feels very sacred and divine. His conviction lives on as a permanent memory to all who visit here and everyone who comes here and takes advantage of darshan or worship gets the benefit of special grace. Even today, the heir of the above saints, "Sri Ranganathacharyaji Maharaj" who is a Mahant of the Ramanuja Sampraday, narrates the story of the realization of divinity to him, his predecessors and future devotees. Also, they are always striving to ensure that everyone gets the benefit of the special kind of spiritual and divine atmosphere in this place.

Shri Nagarvel Hanumanji Maharaj Trust

Shri Nagarvel Hanumanji Maharaj Trust Registration No. - A/776/Ahmedabad

Sri Ranganathacharya Guru Rampravanacharya

M : 9408272481, 9424409880 Email :

Anandakumar Ramlal Mishra

M : 8511450033 Email :

Vinod Chand D. Prajapati

M : 9925027244 Email :

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Shree Nagarvel Hanumandham

Renovation work of Sree Nagarvel Hanumandham Temple is about to start. Along with Nagarvel Hanuman Temple, the renovation work of other temples and other arrangements related to the temple like guest house, satsang house, canteen, cowshed, school, clinic and its map is as follows.

Let us all move forward to build Nagarvel Hanumandham... Jai Shri Ram.

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Shri Nagarvel Hanumanji Maharaj Temple.


Shree Nagarvel Hanumanji mandir, rakhiyal road, rakhiyal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380023

Open Hours:

06:00 AM - 10:00 PM


+91 8511450033

